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8 vegetables to eat in British springtime

Eating seasonally is the best way to eat if you want to reduce your carbon footprint, because it means that you can eat the fruit and vegetables produced in farms local to you, instead of buying avocados, pineapples, or coconuts which have been transported thousands of miles from tropical islands.

This is especially true if you’re shopping from a local market, farm shop, or getting a veg box from a nearby farm. If you shop in a supermarket, make sure you check the label to see where your vegetables were grown, and try to always choose British varieties.

With longer days, sunshine, and more warmth, springtime in Britain means lots of new varieties are ready to be eaten. Here’s our pick of the 8 vegetables you should be eating over the next couple of months - spoiler, if you like your veg green, you're in luck!

#1 Cauliflower

#2 Cucumber

#3 Purple sprouting broccoli

#4 Spinach

#5 Spring onion

#6 Asparagus

#7 Savoy cabbage

#8 Jersey royal new potatoes

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